Modern cosmetology opens up the opportunity for us to be beautiful, young and satisfied with our appearance for a long time, slowing down and stopping the aging process. However, the huge flow of information, a large selection of procedures and methods of rejuvenation are sometimes baffling. Non-surgical injection methods have pushed plastic surgery far back, but the lack of reliable information does not allow us to understand how one procedure differs from another, what effects can be achieved using various techniques, and what these incomprehensible, but so often and everywhere, words mean.
Consider one of the most popular and demanded methods of rejuvenation, as well as combating excessive sweating – botulinum toxin injections, in other words, dysport injections.
What is dysport
Dysport or botulinum toxin injections is one of the most popular procedures in modern injection cosmetology, used primarily to smooth mimic wrinkles and solve the problems of excessive sweating.
Dysport is a French drug that is very fastidious and demanding in terms of storage and transportation, so it is impossible to purchase it on free sale. Only certified specialists can purchase the drug.
As a rule, dysport is used by professional cosmetic clinics and medical institutions in which this service is provided by a certified specialist. Dysport retains its:
- activity;
- efficiency;
- safety only at low temperatures, therefore, issues of transportation and storage are extremely important here.
How does it work?
The basis of dysport action is the ability to block motor impulses from nerves to muscles. The drug blocks those muscles that contribute to the appearance of expression lines. The mimic muscles are not completely blocked and retain all the functions of mobility. The face will not become immobile, there is no need to fear this – injections are administered in small doses and selectively. With the help of dysport, increased muscle tone is removed, while facial expressions are not disturbed, and the body’s metabolic processes and blood circulation remain normal. After administration, the drug relaxes the facial muscles, and wrinkles that have been formed by contraction of certain muscles are smoothed out.
Do not forget that this procedure does not have a lifelong effect. Over time, muscle mobility and activity are fully restored. This fact suggests that addiction to dysport drugs and muscle atrophy are myths and delusion so you can easily buy dysport.
Muscles and nerve fibers are not affected, fully recovering their activity after 3-6 months.
Duration of effect
The most important question that arises in almost all patients is how long does the effect last after an injection of botulinum toxin? The exact duration of drug action is difficult to determine. On average, this is 3-6 months, sometimes more. Depends on many factors – from the number of injections administered to the age and metabolic characteristics of the patient.
But is it worth choosing the type of injection based only on the basic information learned? It is not at all necessary to come to a specialist with a ready-made solution and the chosen drug. Trust a professional. Before making a choice, it is better to first come for a consultation with a cosmetologist who will conduct an examination, collect anamnesis, determine the type of your skin, assess its general condition and select the most suitable solution. Even if you have decided exactly which drug you want to use, a specialist consultation will not harm.