Backlink Write For Us
Backlink Write For Us – A backlink is a reference of a domain to another domain, clickable by users, who can then use it to reach the connected domain. Backlinks are an important ranking factor for Google.
Types of backlinks
When it comes to backlinks it doesn’t matter what the link exactly shows. In Online Marketing, however, it makes sense to divide the links that lead to internal pages of the domain and those that instead lead to other domains.
Internal links
Internal links are all those links that connect a page of the domain to another page of the same domain.
So when you link between two pages on the same domain, it’s an internal link. An example in our case would be a link to another “Ask SISTRIX” article, such as SEO Basics: Internal Link Optimization . That would then be an internal link.
External links
External links are all those links that connect a page of one domain to a page of a second domain.
When you link content from other sites, i.e. from domain A to domain B, external links are created. It does not matter if the two pages have the same name, as long as it is another Top Level Domain (TLD) the link will be external
Evaluation of the relevance of the sites through the links
From the beginning Google has considered backlinks a sign of trust between domains, and it is precisely this characteristic that has made it the most powerful and relevant search engine. The famous PageRank, which was the basis of the Google search algorithm, took into consideration the links between the pages in the network and evaluated if they could increase the reliability of the corresponding sites.
Even today, Google uses an internal PageRank, much more efficient than the evaluation related to the PageRank Patent , but which is still based on links.
For this reason, backlinks are still one of the most important ranking factors for Google.
Quality rather than quantity
Backlinks are relevant for evaluating the quality of a site: the quality of the links therefore becomes much more significant than their quantity . The quality of a link is defined by search engines according to a series of characteristics. In this way we try to avoid that the sites get better rankings simply through the purchase of backlinks, without having valuable content.
In the past (before 2012) it was relatively easy to advance poor quality pages in search engines by purchasing cheap links for your domain. Google worked for a long time to create a weapon against this “Linkspam”, arriving, in 2012, the algorithmic solution called Penguin Update . This update has been perfected over the years, so much so that nowadays it is able to recognize most of the purchased links and automatically devalue them.
When it comes to Link Building, it is important to keep in mind that the purchase of backlinks has been banned by Google in the Webmaster Guidelines . But remember that Link Buidling is not based only on this: to find out more about this topic, read our article: What is link building? – spoiler: it is a difficult, expensive and nerve-wracking practice .
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Why Write For Lead Marketing Business – Backlink Write For Us?
- Writing for Lead Marketing Business can give massive exposure to your site for customers looking for Backlink.
- Lead Marketing Business presence is on social media and will share your article with the Backlink-related audience.
- You can reach out to Backlink enthusiasts.
Terms Related to Backlink Write For Us
- Anchor
- Link
- PageRank
- Domain
- Authority
- Index
- Follow
- NoFollow
- Link Juice
- Inbound
- Outbound
- Referral
- Natural
- Spam
- Blackhat
- Whitehat
- Backlinking
- Backlink Profile
- Reciprocal
- Redirect
Search Terms Related to – Backlink Write For Us
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submit post
contribute post
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backlink guest post
backlink submit post
backlink contribute post
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backlink + write for us
backlink + guest post
backlink + submit post
backlink + contribute post
guest author
write for us + backlink
guest post + backlink
submit post + backlink
contribute post + backlink
writers wanted
write for us backlink
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Article Guidelines On Lead Marketing Business – Backlink Write For Us
- We at Lead Marketing Business welcomes fresh and unique content related to Backlink.
- Lead Marketing Business allow a minimum of 500+ words related to Backlink.
- The editorial team of Lead Marketing Business does not encourage promotional content related to Backlink.
- For publishing article at Lead Marketing Business Pitch us at
- Lead Marketing Business allows articles related to Marketing, Business, SEO, Gaming, Social Media and many more